Employers May Also Use Social Media for Employment History Checks

Employers May Also Use Social Media for Employment History Checks

After you interviewed your potential candidate s for a job, and reviewed your short list s based on resume material, the final step to take before they are formally hired is to run a background check. Are background checks adequate? Remember that most prospective candidates will give positive references, and unless you take an additional step to verify their claims, you may find that your company is at risk. Here are some reasons why running a background check on potential employees is important.

background check


Before you hire anyone, whether they are a candidate or not, you want to have as much information about them as possible. After all, you will be working with them for a long period of time. That means that in the beginning, when you review the information provided by an applicant, it will not take long for you to determine whether they have a clean criminal history, whether they have any outstanding speeding tickets, whether they have ever sued, and whether or not they have ever lied on a background check. These things can sometimes be overlooked by employers. If you were using a background check on an applicant, you would be able to discover this information, and you could use it to make your decision.


When you run a pre-employment screening on an applicant, you may find out that there are several discrepancies between their resume and their biographical information. For example, if the applicant has listed their residence as being in another state, but it is actually in your home state, this could be a red flag. The information could also be suspect because the applicant may be a non-native speaker, or they may have come to work in the U.S. without documentation. If you are using a pre-employment screening tool, such as a commercial facility that does background checks, you could determine whether or not the person is telling the truth about their background.


Many companies in Singapore like to do a little background checking on potential employees before they offer them a job. An employee’s background check can reveal whether or not the person has ever been convicted of a crime in either your native country or overseas. It can also reveal if the person has ever falsified any information on a background check, which is a felony and can lead to a person’s permanent removal from the United States. As well, it can expose someone to being a sex offender. People who are trying to get into a sensitive position in any company in Singapore need to realize that a background check will expose this to the employer.


Now, some employers are using social media sites as a way to hire applicants. The idea behind this is that the applicant will be tempted to give false information on a background check. For example, an applicant may list the time they spent at a domestic violence rehabilitation program on their resume, when the truth is that they never went to such a program. This applicant would most likely be rejected immediately for employment. Employers could use social media sites as a way to see what an applicant is actually all about.


Employers could also use background checks as a means of pre-screening employees who are about to start their job. A lot of small or start up companies like to post job openings in order to attract new talent. They may not have the required money to advertise such positions in traditional media like newspapers, billboards and public announcements, so they will resort to posting in various online classifieds and social media platforms. The idea here is for the applicant to be exposed to as many options as possible before making a final decision on joining the company.


Employers also may use a background check to see if the applicant has any bankruptcies on their record before offering them a job. The Fair Credit Reporting Act gives employers the right to ask an applicant about their bankruptcy in addition to other information. An applicant must disclose all bankruptcies when asked to provide this information. This information can be used as part of the employment screening process.


Employers may also use criminal background checks as a means of pre-screening new employees. If you are applying for a good job, it is important to understand that there may be a need to hire the person anyway, so having a criminal record can help you avoid problems later. Employers may not always use these background checks as a means of pre-screening, but they are still a valuable tool for any potential employer. You can also check check out avvanz corporate training singapore